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​Please see notice for the WC Eventing AGM.
Please take note of the positions which need to be filled on the committee.


Good morning 


This email goes to our Western Cape Eventing Clubs and their appointed representatives for Eventing.


Two nominations have been received by Eventing SA for the position of Vice President - Lexi Pote and Peter Thomas.


Please canvass the registered eventing members of your respective Clubs and send your final nomination to me on or before Thursday 20 June 2024. Please count the votes received and forward these numbers with your email. Please keep a record of votes received. Western Cape Eventing will then compile the nomination and forward to the Electoral Officer, Sharlene Venter of SAEF.


Thank you so much!


SAEF Election Directive

WC SJ AGM 12 JUNE 2024

NOTICE: You are hereby notified of the holding of the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Western Cape branch of South Africa Show Jumping to be held on 12 June 2024 at 19:00 via the online platform named Zoom. All members are invited to have a representative in attendance. Please see the attached notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Western Cape branch of Show Jumping South Africa. The notice incorporates the meeting Agenda. Also attached are the draft minutes from the AGM from last year to be approved at this AGM. And the financial report for tabling at the AGM – these form part of the national Show Jumping South Africa financial records which have been audited. The members of our discipline are the registered clubs. Clubs are to submit their nominations for the committee positions by 13 May 2024. These votes are to be submitted to on the form CN2. In order to determine the club nominations all members of each club have to be polled – please send the form CN1 to every club member immediately. Please copy in when you send out the form to your club members. Club members are to return properly completed CN1 forms to the club by 8 May 2024; the clubs are then to collate the member nominations and submit one single nomination per club on the CN2 form. The electoral officer, to be appointed by the Western Cape Equestrian Federation, will advise if voting is needed or not. Form CN2 is attached in PDF format; but form CN1 is attached in word format so you can insert your club name before sending it out – we suggest you send it out as a PDF. In order for the AGM to proceed we need a quorum of 50% plus 1 of our qualifying member clubs to be represented at the AGM. Qualifying members are paid up clubs with 10+ members who are paid up for this year. Please be sure to reply before 5 June 2024.

Notice to AGM 

2023 Minutes

2023 Treasurer Report

2023 Income and Expenses

Club  Nomination


**Special Tests for
Young Horse Show**

Please find the special Ungraded Dressage Test to be used at The Janeese Silen Young Horse Show here!

DSA Walk/Trot Test 1 

DSA Special Test for Young Horses


We have Something Very Exciting to Share!!


SDRC was voted the Rider's Choice Show Holding Body for 2023! How AMAZING is this?!

Thank You to Western Cape Show Jumping and all their riders for having faith in us and voting for us!



Showjuming 3 Feb - entries on SASJ

Training show Jumping 4 Feb

Showjuming 3 Feb - entries on SASJ

Training show Jumping 4 Feb - manual entries attached


Dressage 10 Feb - entries on DSA schedule attached

Showing 10 Feb - schedule coming!

Equitation 11 Feb -schedule coming!



20 January 2024 Dressage Results




Renew your 2024 membership in Dec 2023 and pay the same price as before!


Increases from Jan 2024 will be as follow:

  • Once off joining fee R320

  • Non Competitive Adult R320

  • 18 and under R730

  • Student (18 -25 yrs) R530

  • Adult R910

  • Family R1485

  • Non Equestrian Key R530

  • Over 55 R750

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Latest News

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